“I didn’t send that!”

Have you ever gotten a call or an email from a friend, family member, or colleague asking about a suspicious email that “You” sent? While it probably wasn’t you the implications of this type of hack are enormous. In 1999 the “Melissa Virus” infected Microsoft word, much in the way modern versions still do. This […]

DDOSing Major Retail Sites

DDOS attacks can cause huge amounts of damage due to server damage as well as lack of sales. DDOS attacks are not hard to launch as the internet becomes more and more complex and online services allow DDOS attacks to be launched. One event is when a 15 year old, under the alias “Mafiaboy” DDOS […]

The Morris Worm

Creator: Robert Tappan Morris Date:1988 Type: Worm Summary: Being one of the first virus attacks to hit the internet this assault was actually a claimed accident. The worm was not supposed to be harmful to computers but after an error it went rouge. With estimated damage in the tens of millions this was a fatal mistake […]

Wormholes Always Call.

As of about eight days ago I left my prior wormhole corp and went to High Sec. I’m not going to get into any of the corp stuff on this blog but the move was a long time in the making. Moving to High Sec I planned on becoming a mission and incursion runner with […]

The Dangers of High Sec

So most people think high sec is a nice safe place that you can fly around in without fear. Well I’m sorry to burst your bubble but it’s nothing of the sort. In high sec there are many different ways to get killed including rats all the way to players. Just yesterday I was out […]

Corp Theft

So let me just start this off with a big old fuck you to whoever ran off with my battleships. Not that I’m mad at all, actually I quite applaud you for your swiftness and cunning in getting my and others battleships out of the hole so fast. So you got away with a metric […]